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Florida, Oddly Enough

For four years, every Sunday, I’ve attempted to write something, or share photos that might be entertaining. In the beginning I hoped to grow as a writer of short stories. The demands of work intruded on that hope, and to be honest, maybe I’m not ready for that kind of artistic endeavor. Nonetheless, I enjoyed being a part of The Consortium of Seven, reading what the other members shared, and the small joys of hearing what others thought of what I shared there. As we are wrapping up the project, I feel a pang of sadness coupled with the pragmatic realization that it will be one less thing on my too full plate.  And now, having a little trove of remembrances to delve into from time to time will be a delight for me. I could never maintain a diary, I tried when I was young. This will be much more entertaining. Recalling things is part of my nature, and fashioning those recollections into stories is what I hope to do, in good time, I suppose. So I wish you well, and all the best, and a heartfelt bon voyage, in this my last post in C7.
