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Florida, Oddly Enough

Jungle Bird is a tiki restaurant in Cape Coral. The staff is very young and mostly charming, we’ve had great service both times we’ve gone there. The owners bought two older office buildings and put a fabulous tiki carving in the courtyard. I was never all that into tiki culture until I watched  a documentary about tiki culture in Canada. It’s called, Mai Tais, Touques and Tikis. It made me recall being entranced by any movies featuring jungles and or magic as a kid. Including Tarzan. Around here, nature swiftly moves in and takes over. It would be easy to get lost in the type of growth we have here, but my inner child would love to think about exploring the local jungles. My older ankles aren’t as thrilled. The ground is full of things that would trip you right up, cedar knees, thick vines, debris from shedding palms and tea trees. It’s humbling. 
I’m including a nice little video about tiki cocktails and the roots of Caribbean voodoo. I don’t make these drinks at home, but enjoy the alchemy a good bartender creates. And I’d like to thank my friends Garbo and Deb for the two adorable tiki cups they sent us as a wedding gift. They are the first cups in my collection, and here they are:
Seventeen minute video on the tiki voodoo connections. Plus a great recipe:

Nice cup from the photos on Jungle Bird’s Facebook page:

Photos from Jungle Bird
The above shot is from Jungle Bird’s Facebook page.
Our drive home was very pretty, and I was the passenger.  I like that.
Must have left my camera on in my lap…
