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Elleanore Vance will soon be moving on to her post-Consortium gig!

 Hello my Lovely Readers! It's been more than two years since I was so warmly welcomed here and I thank all y'all for that.  I have filled three whole notebooks with reviews for you, so these that we have published so far are just a drop in the proverbial bucket! Unfortunately,  we're coming to the end of my time with the Consortium of Seven. [Admin note: One more Elleanore Vance review is scheduled for Sept 27th.]

The Consortium came along right when I needed them to.  I had just moved more than a ten-hour drive from my former home and could have ended up losing myself completely in my new environment.  Having this little piece of cyberspace has acted as my compass and my center,  allowing me to stay true to myself.  Words cannot express how much this space has meant to me and kept me breathing when i might not have been able to keep myself going.  

I am sad to be leaving this wonderful,  welcoming group of people, but super excited to be taking first steps toward a review blog all my own.  I'm calling it "5 Dogs Book Blog," and can be found on Blogger, right here.

Thank you so much for finding me at the Consortium of Seven blog,  and I hope you make the jump and find me there,  too.  Right now,  it's looking like it will be a monthly post blog,  because I am a working professional. Anyhow,  any way,  I hope to see you there.  Thank you for being in on my journey with the Consortium of Seven. And many thanks to the Consortium itself for welcoming me into their sanctum.


Elleanore Vance

