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Back with more links to interesting stuff at Public Domain Review! -- Garbo

Previously, I posted this list of articles from the Public Domain Review website. Today, I have more links to interesting stuff to read at PDR. I know the titles seem weird, but just try a couple of these out and you'll be intrigued!

Stories of a Hollow Earth


Lost in Translation: Proust and Scott Moncrieff   

The Polyglot of Bologna

A man who spoke 70 languages.

Seeing Joyce  

James Joyce's work has recently entered the public domain, which changes how we interact with it, says the author.

Athanasius Kircher and the Hieroglyphic Sphinx

The Krakatoa Sunsets

The Last Great Explorer: William F. Warren and the Search for Eden 

John Martin and the Theatre of Subversion

 An Unlikely Lunch: When Maupassant met Swinburne

Still Booking on De Quincey’s Mail-Coach
Robin Jarvis looks at Thomas de Quincey's essay "The English Mail-Coach, or the Glory of Motion" and how its meditation on technology and society is just as relevant today as when first published in 1849.

To finish for today, here's a link to the article from the screenshot at the top of this post: 

The Lost World of the London Coffeehouse

 Next week: Elleanore Vance will be here with a book review.


