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Art Experience 10 - Esther

It’s a strange thing to come into possession of a house without having bought it, to be left to inherit it. But that is what has happened this week. For the first time in my life, I’m a property owner & I didn’t have to do anything for it except be born to the right people. It’s a peculiar feeling, one of responsibility in legal terms but also towards the people that left it behind. It’s even more odd when I consider that for a large part of my life I lived in it but at some point it’s planned that it will no longer be anything to do with me any more. 
Here are some paintings of homes in art we’ve not looked at before. Domestic scenes are a useful source of inspiration for artists as they’re so readily accessible. Everyone has to look after their own space & once again the World of Art reflects our lives back to us.

The House Painters, Gustave Caillebotte, 1877

The Little Street, Johannes Vermeer, c. 1658-c. 1660

Girl Sweeping, William McGregor Paxton, 1912

Just Moved, Henry Mosler, 1870

Lady in a Garden, Frederic Leighton

A Woman Preparing Bread & Butter for a Boy, Pieter de Hooch, 1660-63

Part of the Domestic Scenes series, Jack Radcliffe 
