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Florida, Oddly Enough

It is odd to be shivering under blankets when it’s very hot and humid out. But that’s what an I’ll rss can do. I found mysrlf waking up on the 4th day feeling very good because duddenly my arthritic neck hands and feet were pain and stiffness free. I can schievr this with a dairy free diet, which I’ve struggle to do the past 9 months out of laziness and poof planning. Must’ve bend the fever and fasting this time   I hope to maintain this. Silver linings. But while ill, I found a few photos I’d like to share. I’ve probably included them in previous blog posts but here they are again. I had 
time to think while I was healing and recuperating. I hope to keep the stress low returning to work. Very low. That’s my wish for everyone. Find something beautiful today.
