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I Feel (Un)Seen - Invisible Agent (1942)

 THIS IS A WEIRD ONE, FOLKS.  The fourth movie in the Universal Invisible Man series, this is so so the basic story of the invisible man formula crammed into a WWII story that it's almost hilarious.  No, it is kind of hilarious.  Frank Griffin Jr (Jon Hall, probably best known for the John Ford movie The Hurricane) is the grandson of the original IM and somehow has the formula.  So naturally, he gets recruited in Manhattan by the Allies to use the formula, become invisible and spy on the Axis.

Does Griffin use his abilities to play tricks on various German and Japanese leaders?  Oh, of course he does.  Is a lot of the movie just excuses to have various objects flying around on fishing lines?  Totally.  

Is this a great entry?  Oh, absolutely not.  It's goofy and overcomplicated and way too long; but am I ever going to not recommend something with Peter Lorre as a villain?  Heck no.  Plus it has Ilona Massey, who I kind of think deserved a bit of a bigger career; she was a very solid B-actress who was just right in a lot of roles (though apparently she wasn't a fan of this one).

Once again, Invisible Agent is not streaming anywhere.

In two weeks, The Invisible Man Returns (1944)!  Amazingly, this one is actually available on the Internet Archive.  
